Taking the NFT World Tour: Part 1
Relinquishing You by Malavika Reddy “I didn’t choose art but art chose me…I think I got into art the day my parents said I could draw on the walls.” -Malavika Reddy In the past two
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Relinquishing You by Malavika Reddy “I didn’t choose art but art chose me…I think I got into art the day my parents said I could draw on the walls.” -Malavika Reddy In the past two
“I think we are still so early here and I think NFTs are a great opportunity to all artists to be independent and absolutely free. And I’m sure it’s just the beginning for all of
“Windy” from the “Girls of the Cartoon Universe” Collection on OpenSea “When the ‘froth’ around NFT technology settles, it should take an important place in the new digital economy, becoming a full-fledged means of protecting
Blisse from the “Cosmic Touch” collection by Crispycoco on OpenSea “Years went by but my creativity never never left my side. I was always trying to find a way how can I be creative again.”
Venus part of the “Galaxy Illusions Editions” collection by Dreamfall_Art on OpenSea “Being immersed in the NFT art space makes me draw more and improve my techniques.” -Dreamfall Art In this profile, I am excited
This article was sponsored by ViZion Protocol NFT technology is disrupting every aspect of the entertainment industry: film, music and art. The legacy players in entertainment want a piece of the action as well, and
This research was sponsored by Cereal Club Web 3 represents the next level of internet innovation that can transform how humanity interacts with each other online. That being said, a prolonged crypto bear market poses
“Ethereum Girl” by Emi “I myself experienced war in my childhood and I know how terrible it is. It is always the peaceful people who suffer and who are not to blame. It’s not fair,
Continuing from my blog post last week, I continued market research polls deeper into NFT Twitter. The market has recently been rocked by a series of crashes for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. I’ve conducted a
Waiting for Spring by kuznetsova_anastasiya “I help others believe in themselves and show them they can learn how to draw even if they’ve never done it before.” –Anastasia Kuznetsova Even though we are in a
“NFTs are just starting to develop and I think in the future it will have a positive impact on the economy.” –ShuvaevaArt We might be in a bear market, but I still love to feature
This research was sponsored by Plotaverse, an innovative NFT creator kit that provides a suite of iOS mobile, desktop and web applications to help artists create in the field of Motion Art. Cardano Cardano is
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