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NFT-Backed Horror Movie Wins Prestigious Award and Is Picked Up for US Distribution

NFT-Backed Horror Movie Wins Prestigious Award and Is Picked Up for US Distribution

This article was sponsored by ViZion Protocol

NFT technology is disrupting every aspect of the entertainment industry: film, music and art. The legacy players in entertainment want a piece of the action as well, and soon they will be bringing an NFT-backed movie to a theater near you!

Canadian-American film production and distribution company, Quiver Distribution, has just bought the distribution rights to an SXSW award-winning film, Bitch Ass. Founded in 2019, the company has a successful track record of producing and/or distributing 23 films. 

Bitch Ass was the Audience Award Winner and Horror Favorite at the prestigious Austin, Texas festival, SXSW. 

One aspect that is completely unique about Bitch Ass is that it was crowdfunded using cryptocurrency by the co-founders of ViZion Protocol, an NFT and crypto themed entertainment startup. The company has offices in California and Florida, and aims to build a successful future through not only innovation, but also building a strong foundation to grow from. The company has been built around a core team with film and entertainment industry experience. 

Bitch Ass was written and directed by Bill Posley, the lead writer for the hit Netflix series, Cobra Kai. The film stars Tunde Laleye from Black Panther. Posely and Laleye along with fashion mogul Keith James were brought on as co-founders of this ambitious project. 

Leading the team for ViZion Protocol is Founder and CEO Shane Brown. Brown has over five years of experience in the blockchain and virtual reality space as well as 15 years of experience as a producer in the entertainment and music industry. His exploits include producing for nine Grammy Award-winning artists.

He recently set forth his vision of the future of the movie industry:

“As a team and also personally, I believe that blockchain will revolutionize the way films are made and financed in the future. I believe NFTs will truly bring a unique and engaging experience for fans around the world in the coming decade and genuinely look forward to having ViZion Protocol be at the forefront of this technology of infusing blockchain into the film, music and entertainment space.”

In July, ViZion Protocol’s will be taking it to the next level by launching 3,333 unique utility NFTs. Users will be able to stake these NFTs to earn crypto as well as direct fan benefits including:

  • Tickets to a movie premier
  • Receiving future airdrops and whitelist spots
  • Nine special NFTs will include all-expenses paid trips to London, New York, Los Angeles and Switzerland for movie premieres.

Fans who want to connect up with ViZion Protocol are encouraged to do so on Twitter and Discord.

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This content is for news and educational purposes only. It does not constitute trading advice. Past performance does not indicate future results. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose. The author of this article may hold assets mentioned in the piece.


Alexandre Lores is a personal finance writer from Tampa Bay, Florida, with the goal to help one million people achieve financial freedom. He has spent over five years studying markets and economics, finding Bitcoin in 2017 and never turning back. He frequently appears on TV and in online news articles and is a regular Twitter spaces host.

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