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Taking the NFT World Tour: Part 7

Meet Ramadzo

Artwork by Ramadzo

“Imagination rules the world.” -Ramadzo

Over the last two years, the world has changed thanks to the blockchain and the internet. The traditionally illiquid art market has united with the liquid cryptocurrency-holding public through the use of NFTs.

In this ten part series, we travel virtually to unique locations across the globe to meet individual creators using NFT technology.

In this installment, part seven (7) of our series, it is my pleasure to introduce you to a Russian-Turkish photographer and digital artist from Asiatic Turkey!

An Inside Look with Ramadzo

Meet Ramadzo

“We see these days markets are bad because of the global situation; like bitcoin goes down like crazy but I am very sure soon those who did not buy it now will cry.” -Ramadzo

Location: Turkey


1. Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m a photographer, digital and NFT artist resides in Turkey. Team and artist of @cathedralsart NFT project. Ambassador of NFT marketplace in Turkey. Participant of art exhibitions and group NFT exhibitions in different community.

2. How and when did you get into art?

Since 2019 when my husband bought a very cool camera, the Nikon Z7. I started to be interested in photos and studied in few photo schools. Than I started to learn an art photos, I started to have a publications in different online magazines. I got a honourable mention as a photographer in 2020, from the International Photo Awards competition (still thinking where to sale these 3 photos) and finally last year I came to NFT and digital arts. I started to be active with my own collections like 1 month ago only because till that time I helped to another with their NFT projects and searched an artists for them.

3. What makes you excited to create?

First of all I get the inspiration from the people who is same wave with me, no matter are they near or far from me…Second the situations which is happening in my life: good or bad, both can inspire me. And last but not least its my just love and passion to art… I always has desire to learn new programs and the creation process is saving me in my crises days…

4. What is the biggest barrier you face as an artist?

Part of my family do not understand my path into art and photography.

5. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment as an artist?

I think it is collaborations which I started to do not long time ago with another artists worldwide. They are very different people and I am proud to work and know all of them. They are collage artists, 3D artists, painters, musicians, even sportsmen. By the way the last collaboration I made with tallest guy in Russia who’s height is 225 cm.

It’s in my collection “Sport and Art” on OpenSea.

6. Who is one person living or dead you wish you could have lunch with?

No doubts here: Salvador Dali and Stephen King.. Sounds crazy?

7. What is your favorite color and why?

I love all colors… But now most my art is pink. Why? This is the time I feel like this, my soul wants pink.

That’s why. Maybe later I will do more in blue.

8. What is your favorite movie?

I love a short movies like “8”, “ The Red Baloon” and “ Paper boy” as well as many others. I love and am inspired by classic movies from all countries also.. Hmm, now “ Inception” came to my mind. Cool movie!

9. If you could move to one place in the world, where would that be?

Honestly? There, where all people I love are nearby. With them, I feel good everywhere!!!

10. What do you think about crypto? Which one is your favorite?

I think crypto is the future especially right now. We see these days markets are bad because of the global situation; like bitcoin goes down like crazy but I am very sure soon those who did not buy it now will cry.

And I am truly sure everywhere we will be able to use Crypto cards soon even if some countries does not want it, and paper money will lost values at all…

My favorite is that one which brings me income and this crypto is not connected with art and NFT.

11. What new things have you been able to do since working with NFTs?

Oh… NFTs pushed me to learn so many things starting with Twitter, Discord, public speaking in Spaces, learning new art programs and practicing more English. It’s just small things that I can remember for now.

NFTs are a world where you can’t s stop and just do art.. You should always learn there and find your own way in it.. This is what I am trying to do now.

12. How do you feel NFTs will change the financial condition or artists and other creators over the next 10 years?

Many people think that NFTs are not art. Specially those who are based in tradition and classic art… but I see how many very talented modern artists spending their times on their art just because they like to create and they can’t live without art.

After they sale it for $9 on platforms like Etsy or Society6 for example, I’m asking them why don’t you want to learn about NFTs? And if you remember from art history many popular artists started their art life by been very poor, some of them became known only after their death!

And now everything changed. I think the era came when all creative people even those who have no art education, are able first of all to show their inner world in their art. *Every person is unique and each one will find their clients! And will be able to sell his art not for $9, but for 9 ETH for example.

I truly believe it! And I wish all artist who try to find their way in NFT good luck!

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This content is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute trading advice. Past performance does not indicate future results. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose. The author of this article may hold assets mentioned in the piece.


Alexandre Lores is a personal finance writer from Tampa Bay, Florida, with the goal to help one million people achieve financial freedom. He has spent over five years studying markets and economics, finding Bitcoin in 2017 and never turning back. He frequently appears on TV and in online news articles and is a regular Twitter spaces host.

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