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Taking the NFT World Tour: Part 5

Meet BoicotArt.eth

Robin, from the Cosmic Personalities collection by BoicotArt-eth

Robin, from the “Cosmic Personalities” collection by BoicotArt.eth

“The collection also has a meaning to me personally and it’s what I’m trying to transmit to people, especially women, because out here there’s a lot of people struggling.”

Over the last two years, the world has changed thanks to the blockchain and the internet. The traditionally illiquid art market has united with the liquid cryptocurrency-holding public through the use of NFTs.

In this ten part series, we travel virtually to unique locations across the globe to meet individual creators using NFT technology.

In this installment, part five (5) of our series, it is my pleasure to introduce you to a 29-year old digital artist from South America.

An Inside Look with BoicotArt.eth

An Inside Look with BoicotArt-eth


“It’s such a beautiful feeling to to be able to support myself from what I love the most, to draw. I never though this was going to be a thing.”

Location: Chile


I reached out to Loreto to get a closer look into her heart and mind so I could find out about her personal views. Here is what she had to say:

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m Loreto, I’m 29 and I’m from Chile, South America. I studied Graphic Design in college and graduated in 2017. I started this NFT journey four months ago and I have dedicated myself to this full time.

I got lucky! My first ever NFT was sold on March 29, just as crypto started declining.

But I have been surviving this crypto winter very well, and I can’t wait for the bulls to arrive into our lives. I’m working very hard to be prepare for when that moment comes! I am in NFTs for the long run.

2. How and when did you get into art?

I’ve been drawing since I can remember. I drew my first Star Wars Spaceship on my classroom table when I was 10. I remember well because my teacher
congratulated me.

I drew in my free time, when I was sad, happy or bored. Until 4 months ago, this was just my hobby.

I guess I started to take it more seriously when I begin to search about works, about composition, painters and also critic reviews of art.

But now it turned into a job, so I must give it the responsibility it deserves, so I try to consume the as much knowledge as I possible can.

3. What makes you excited to create?

When I discovered this crypto world, I never thought that my work could be this valued by the community — 0.12 ETH for my last drop!

I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s not the money what motivates me to create, but a few months back, some of these drawings were only know by me and they were on my iPad for so long. Now that they are revealed to the public, it’s such a pride to myself watching them getting sold at higher prices.

It’s such a beautiful feeling to to be able to support myself from what I love the most, to draw. I never though this was going to be a thing. It was always my hobby and nothing else.

Now every day is a new challenge, and it’s a very exciting feeling, to give the best of myself every day is what motivates to keep creating. It’s the best sensation in the world.

4. What is the biggest barrier you face as an artist?

I think that it must be my own insecurity. I put too much over pressure on myself, and sometimes even think that I am not good enough. To be honest, I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for my boyfriend. He pushed me to get into the space. And I appreciate that a lot, because so far so good!

In the end, here we are, and here I’m going to stay, so beating the barriers is part of growing up. So, we just gotta keep pushing the limits a little bit more each time. Of course, step by step.

5. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment as an artist?

I think my greatest accomplishment here in this NFT world is about to come.
Because I’m about to finish my first collection named Cosmic Personalities. I
started this one with a whole plan to start my career in the space, and the goal was to have a total of 100 1/1 NFTs in the collection. I’ve made 90 so far.

This is a really huge thing to me, because when I started this project, I didn’t knew if it was going to work or not. I can now say that all 90 NFTs have their an owner so it’s been a really nice ride here!

The collection also has a meaning to me personally and it’s what I’m trying to
transmit to people, especially women, because out here there’s a lot of people
struggling (and also myself) about not knowing who they are, trying to find his identity into others people social networks.

The pressure to be successful person is huge. The truth is that you don’t need to be someone else to be successful. You just need your own personality, to be your true self and to be confident about yourself. That’s what matters. It’s not what other people say or what you share on Instagram. What matters is what’s going on in your head in the moment.

Just be you, find your path and your truly identity. That’s why my NFTs express everything with their eyes, hair, and accessories, and why they have no description, because they are open for people to give them their own meaning.

6. Who is one person living or dead you wish you could have lunch with

Ohhh what a question. I think I would like to lunch with Jesus and order a glass of water. Then see what happens.

7. What is your favorite color and why?

Blue. Blue means serenity. It transmits inspiration. The color is deep. And I don’t
know, since when I was a kid, I liked to sit in the sand next to the ocean and watch it and listen for like…hours. I like the color blue in the ocean and when it merges with the sky in the horizon. Thinking that all I am watching is infinite and chaotically perfect, and just by a simple coincidence we have all that huge amount of water on our planet that allowed us to live.

It’s magical but also keeps you thinking. Either we are alone or we are accompanied, both options are equally scary. So… look at the ocean while you are thinking about that or more earthly stuff. For sure will make you like a lot the color blue!

8. What is your favorite movie?

Star Wars IV: A New Hope. But to be honest, I like all of the Star Wars Universe,
including what Disney is doing right now.

9. If you could move to one place in the world, where would that be?

I would love to have my dream house. I like to travel a lot, but I prefer to stay close to my family rather than move to another country. I have to enjoy my parents while I still can. Other cultures and lifestyles are not going anywhere! I would love to live in the South of Chile though. I actually live in the north part of the south here, so a little change to a more southern city would be great. But for now Chile it is!

10. What do you think about crypto? Which one is your favorite?

I love cryptocurrencies!!! They are changing the course of the world economy slowly. I mean, I think they still don’t have a true use to the world but it’s a matter of time.

There’s two key things here: One is finally we have a sense of originality on
Internet, which was practically the lost link.

And second of all, cryptocurrencies are adding greater transparency in transactions; you still can’t see who is behind that transaction but at least you know were is going and where did it come from.

Hopefully we will add some authenticity to the MetaMask wallet by regulating that.

But it’s about time I think.

Ethereum of course!

I work on the Ethereum blockchain and you can say everything about Ethereum and it’s network. Maybe it’s a little bit slow, but first of all is super stable. And to be honest, I like the gas thing being more “expensive” than other blockchains like Polygon, BNB, Near Protocol, WAX and lots of stuff, Because from my point of view, when you have bigger gas costs, you reduce immediately the scams.

If you see Polygon, and this is exclusively for NFTs, NFT games, NFT
projects and stuff, Polygon and BNB chain are full of those rug pulls, so I don’t like them. It is free to create a imaginary team, say that you are going to be the best in the space and more, and then rug pull your community.

At least in Ethereum you have to pay and trick more sophisticated people that know what they are doing.

11. What new things have you been able to do since working with NFTs?

I’ve been able to understand better the market, start to get along better with my pc and having abilities with my cryptos that not much people has. Working from home, in my own schedule and at my own rhythm is the most “new thing” I’ve been able to do, and to be honest, I really appreciate that.

Earn money with my draws. Engage with new people from hundreds and
thousands miles away! Getting along with such an amazing community it’s sooo a beautiful thing!

11. How do you feel NFTs will change the financial condition or artists and other creators over the next 10 years?

I’ve been talking a lot about this with my boyfriend, sometimes talking all night. And I’ve been thinking that if it wasn’t for the NFTs I probably could never have earned money with my works. Or at least make something profitable with them. This is because, for example, if I go to a carnival to sell my works, people would pay idk maybe BEST SCENARIO 15 dollars for my works. Also, they are all digital, and people here in Chile doesn’t value Art, specially animated digital Art. Here in this NFT space I’m open to the whole world to sell my works! So the difference is muuuuuuuuch bigger!

But in 10 years, I’m not so sure. That’s a lot time and I really don’t know much about the world tendencies. It will depend of course with the development of Crypto and the tendencies in that environment. I’m not sure if those 10k generic NFTs projects are going to live, but I’m pretty sure that 1/1 NFTs are going to do very well in the future. Is about the art, not about the hype of something. The communities are forming anyways, so there’s no need to have a 100k APE to belong to something. Or maybe it is needed but just for some really
selected people. In my opinion those are just trending’s that will last a limited time.

What I’m able to sell right now through my art is more than enough to support myself. I just have to keep working very hard, growing my community and friends, and keep getting better in my draws, do new things and stuff. And fore sure, don’t be afraid of failure. We are all here to learn.

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This content is for news and educational purposes only. It does not constitute trading advice. Past performance does not indicate future results. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose. The author of this article may hold assets mentioned in the piece.


Alexandre Lores is a personal finance writer from Tampa Bay, Florida, with the goal to help one million people achieve financial freedom. He has spent over five years studying markets and economics, finding Bitcoin in 2017 and never turning back. He frequently appears on TV and in online news articles and is a regular Twitter spaces host.

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