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Going Digital: We Talk NFTs with Nanda

Floralworld by Nanda. Link.

Exploring Digital Art with an Optimist

“You have to know how to find beauty in places you would call ugly.” -Nanda

NFT Market Update

The market for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) exploded in the past week, with trading volume reaching all-time highs.

NFT sales taking place on the Ethereum platform recently reached $171 million in the space of a week, blockchain technology company OKLink told CoinDesk in an article dated Aug. 2. This figure represented a more than 330% increase over the same week the month before.

OpenSea, one of the major NFT marketplaces, broke records when collectors traded $35 million and $49 million worth of these unique tokens on July 31 and Aug. 1, respectively, according to on-chain activity monitoring platform DappRadar. In July, daily trading volume averaged$8.3 million on OpenSea, excluding the last day of the month.

And last but not least, one of the famous CryptoPunk NFTs is being listed at $90.5 million. If the token fetches this amount, it will be the largest CryptoPunk sale in history.

This market is moving so fast, it is almost hard to keep up. That’s why I am excited to keep you in the loop and share today’s conversation with you. We’re going to virtually travel to Brazil and talk NFTs with a rising star in the field of digital and traditional art.

If you don’t get NFTs, read this explainer first.

Who is Nanda?



“NFTs…can last for all eternity, and the records we make today will remain for the societies of the future” -Nanda

Nanda is a 25-year-old Brazilian digital and traditional floral artist. She is also an avid reader, writer, poet and architect.

You can find her art on OpenSea, Foundation and Hic et nunc and follow her on Twitter.

A Closer Look

I reached out to Nanda to get a closer look into her mind and heart, as well as ask about her personal views. Here is what she had to say.

1. How and when did you get into art?

Ever since I was a child, I liked to sit outside and draw the houses in the neighborhood or write stories. This was something I never took seriously, I never thought of it as a career possibility, just a fun hobby. I had an inner desire to be an artist. When I entered the undergraduate architecture program, I carried it with me still shyly. With time, I think I was discovering myself and also developing my capabilities, becoming more self-confident, so I started to open myself to artistic experiences. Architecture made me appreciate buildings and find the beauty and art in them. Maybe this has awakened that light in me that had been put out.

2. What is inspires you to create art?

I live in Brazil, a tropical country full of plants and flowers. I couldn’t avoid being in love with it. It is a very rich country and also a very poor one. You have to know how to find beauty in places you would call ugly. Sometimes you can find very simple houses, worn out by time… but when you look at your yard, there is a garden in bloom. Isn’t there something charming about that?

I have a lot of energy, an inner desire to create and express. The way I feel is very important in this process. I can’t think of a world where I couldn’t have fun, create and explore that. I am inspired by the feeling of wanting to feel good and the desire to pass this on. Because your art or text, is an invisible energy that you are putting out into the world.

3. What is the worst situation in the world today? How does it affect you personally?

The worst situation is poverty. I don’t mean poverty in the material sense. I am affected by the poverty of good feelings and positive words. I am affected by the poverty of incentive to culture and arts that happens in Brazil. It affects me the poverty when someone has a limited view of the world and wants to dump this on you. As if you were trapped in a box and had to act accordingly. The worst feeling is the limitation that society, family or other people can put on you.

4. What is your biggest barrier as an artist?

My biggest barrier is me. When there are those difficult days, when you are not sure what you are doing, maybe it would be easier to give up. You have to get yourself back on track and remember your goal. Ask yourself — why you are doing this? It’s like talking to a child, you need to explain it well, reinforce the positive points, and motivate them. Since I finished my degree, I’ve been at home, working alone. I need to have discipline, focus and determination. Some days I am fine, I don’t need to remind myself of this. But other days, I need to remember why I chose this. Art is art, no one can say if what you do is right or wrong. But to have the posture of an artist is something internal that you have to learn to deal with.

5. What was your greatest personal achievement as an artist?

I can’t say if I’ve ever accomplished this, but for sure it was taking the first step towards who I am. When I decided to do this — I want to be an artist — I had to give up other possibilities that I had. To give up an almost guaranteed career to dedicate myself entirely to this. At 25 years old, this might seem a bit risky (and much riskier as you get older), when people thought I would be in an office, doing what they expected. I am happy with this achievement, it is as if I have conquered a lost part of myself.

6. How and when did you get into cryptocurrency? What was the first digital currency you bought?

Well, I knew absolutely nothing about cryptocurrencies — apart from knowing Bitcoin, of course — until my brother-in-law discovered an NFT site and told me about it — he had already bought Ether. When I heard about the arts, I saw a possibility and found it very interesting. The first cryptocurrency I bought was Ether, now I have Tezos too. But I limit myself to that for now, I spend more time creating art than researching about cryptocurrencies and ways to invest.

7. For you as an artist, how important is community?

I think community, are people with common goals or similar taste, who share and unite around that. I have never participated in a community like the NFT community, I have never been so intensely in any other place. A lot of what I have achieved is by being in this community. Connecting with people and supporting them as well. I’ve never been in a community of artists and I feel very fortunate to be here now, I have friends from all over the world! The acceptance of the community is what takes us forward.

8. What is your advice to an artist who is thinking of jumping into the NFT space for the first time?

My friend, who wants to get into NFT, if you like me are starting from scratch, I would tell you to get connected. That’s what the internet is for — to meet people, talk, have fun, etc. Your first goal should not be to sell your art. You need to find people who will admire you as a person and also for your work, so spend many hours on social networks like Twitter and Discord. Take your time. If you are starting, you need to build an audience. This can take time. Be present, share your ideas, your art, your processes, everything for people to connect with you. And for an artist who is already recognized in his art, all this may be faster and easier, but this artist had to invest a lot of time to get where he is. So don’t be lazy.

9. If you could meet any artist in history, who would it be?

I never thought about it, it’s a good opportunity. I would like to meet [Vincent] Van Gogh, maybe a conversation over tea or coffee. I would like to understand, how the brushstrokes come about, what he is seeing, what is going on in his mind. He must have been an artist with a very interesting personality.

10. 10 years from now, what do you predict will be the role of NFTs in our world?

Look, maybe this is an area that I have little domain to talk about, but from what I see now, I am sure that NFTs are a technology that will continue for many decades to come. Things change so fast…. Maybe the idea of NFTs will become more accessible, probably corporations will use a lot of it. But maybe, things won’t be as gradual as we think they will be in a few years, you know, like the Back to the Future movie said it would be in 2015? I was disappointed. But I am sure that the NFTs will have a long life, they can last for all eternity, and the records we make today will remain for the societies of the future.

This content is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute trading advice. Past performance does not indicate future results. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose. The author of this article may hold assets mentioned in the piece.

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Alexandre Lores is a personal finance writer from Tampa Bay, Florida, with the goal to help one million people achieve financial freedom. He has spent over five years studying markets and economics, finding Bitcoin in 2017 and never turning back. He frequently appears on TV and in online news articles and is a regular Twitter spaces host.

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