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Cardano 101: How to Set Up a Daedalus Wallet (Desktop)

Cardano 101 - How to Set Up a Daedalus Wallet (Desktop)

This research was sponsored by Plotaverse, an innovative NFT creator kit that provides a suite of iOS mobile, desktop and web applications to help artists create in the field of Motion Art.

Ready to get started in crypto and the Cardano ecosystem? This is part of a tutorial series for blockchain beginners.

What is Cardano?

Cardano is a cryptocurrency platform that uses a less energy-intensive method of maintaining its computer network than bitcoin uses. It doesn’t require any special computers, just a desktop application you can install on any computer.

To access the Cardano blockchain, $ADA tokens, NFTs and other decentralized applications, the first step is to set up your own wallet. The two major options are Daedalus and Yoroi.

As a warning, Daedalus is a resource intensive application and is available on desktop only. If you want to manage $ADA tokens quickly and easily, or you intend to do it from a mobile device, the lite wallet, called Yoroi, is recommended.

How To Install The Daedalus Wallet

How To Install The Daedalus Wallet 1

1. Go to and download the latest version of Daedalus wallet for your operating system (MacOS, Windows or Linux). Note: Daedalus wallet DOES NOT have a mobile (Android or iOS) version.

2. After the download has completed, double-click the installer package.

3. The Daedalus installer package will unpack and install Daedalus wallet on your computer.

4. Once the installation is complete, launch the Daedalus app using the desktop icon.

5. Tick the box at the bottom of the popup to indicate you agree with the terms of service.

How To Install The Daedalus Wallet 2

6. Daedalus wallet will open and show you the wallet dashboard. It will sync with the blockchain.

How To Start Using The Daedalus Wallet

How To Start Using The Daedalus Wallet 1

1. From the Daedalus wallet dashboard click on Create.

2. Give the new wallet a name.

3. Create a spending password. The spending password will be required each time you send ADA, delegate your wallet to a stake pool or register for voting. (Note: you can reset the spending password only by restoring the wallet, using your 24 words recovery phrase)

4. Click on Create Shelley wallet.

How To Start Using The Daedalus Wallet 2

5. Read the instructions and make sure nobody can see your screen.

How To Start Using The Daedalus Wallet 3

6. Next write down the 24-word Daedalus wallet recovery phrase, it is VERY IMPORTANT. Do not save your recovery phrase on your computer and do not take a photo of it. The safest way to store it is offline. If you lose your 24-word Daedalus wallet recovery phrase you will lose access to all your ADA. The recovery phrase cannot be changed, reset or bypassed.

7. You are required to verify the 24-word Daedalus wallet recovery phrase. Enter the 24 words in the exact order. Start by typing the first few characters of the word, then use the mouse to click on the chosen word.

How To Start Using The Daedalus Wallet 4

What’s Next?

Now you are ready to roll! The next step is to get some ADA into your wallet.

You can do this in two ways:

1. Get a friend or customer to send you some.

2. Purchase some on a crypto exchange on popular exchanges such as Binance (Binance US for US customers) or Coinbase.


Plotaverse is an NFT creative kit and ecosystem with over 11 million downloads on its iOS applications. Plotaverse was created by world-renowned visionary photographer Troy Plota and is an advance in the field of motion art. It aims to ignite the technologies of digital art, NFTs and MP4 technology, adding a layer of security to digital art not available with JPEGs.

Plotaverse recently re-launched its iOS mobile app, and is in the process of adding support to convert your own art into NFTs and enable buying and selling with cryptocurrency in the coming weeks.

Download the Plotaverse iOS mobile app here.

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This content is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute trading advice. Past performance does not indicate future results. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose. The author of this article may hold assets mentioned in the piece.


Alexandre Lores is a personal finance writer from Tampa Bay, Florida, with the goal to help one million people achieve financial freedom. He has spent over five years studying markets and economics, finding Bitcoin in 2017 and never turning back. He frequently appears on TV and in online news articles and is a regular Twitter spaces host.

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