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Barbershop Speaks Takes Crypto Convos to the Financial Capital of the World, New York

Barbershop Speaks Takes Crypto Convos to the Financial Capital of the World, New York feature

Barbershops have always been more than just a place to get a haircut. They are also places where people can come together to socialize and exchange news and ideas. In recent years, barbershops have become even more important as places of education, thanks to programs like Barbershop Speaks. Over the past few months, Barbershop Speaks started a national initiative called Crypto Convos Summer Tour that provides local communities with cryptocurrency education. Barbershop Speaks aims to create a new generation of leaders that are well-informed about the financial revolution taking place in the world of crypto. And with New York being the financial capital of the world, there is no better place for these conversations to take place.

Barbershop Speaks Takes Crypto Convos to the Financial Capital of the World, New York 1

New Yorkers have always been at the cutting edge of innovation. So it’s no surprise that New York was a stop on the Crypto Convos Summer Tour. And as crypto assets have grown in popularity, the need to receive education on blockchain technology grows more and more each day. Barbershop Speaks is working to ensure black and brown communities are not left behind while we enter into this new digital era. They want the  community to have knowledge and resources they need to participate in this growing industry. 

Jefferson Noel, the founder of Barbershop Speaks, believes that education is the first step to financial freedom. He wants to let communities know there are plenty of opportunities for people to get ahead, no matter where they’re from.  The first Crypto Convos took place in Miami, the city positioning itself to be the Capital of Capital. From Miami, Barbershop Speaks has traveled to Atlanta, Philadelphia, Orlando, and most recently New York. Noel is already planning trips to other cities, with the ultimate goal of taking financial education to every corner of the globe. By offering free educational events in community spaces like barbershops, he is  reaching people who might not otherwise have access to this life-changing information. So far, the response has been overwhelmingly positive, and Jefferson is excited to continue growing the reach of Crypto Convos in order to help as many people as possible achieve financial freedom. He is grateful for his sponsors Uniswap Grants Program, Aave Grants, Lab22c, The Bitpoint, and media sponsor The Latest Block.

Barbershop Speaks Takes Crypto Convos to the Financial Capital of the World, New York 2

Check out for updates on future events, community initiatives, and their Blockchain Blogs series. Also, follow their progress on social media: 

Twitter @barbershopspks – IG @jeffnoelspeaks – FB Barbershop Speaks

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This content is for news and educational purposes only. It does not constitute trading advice. Past performance does not indicate future results. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose. The author of this article may hold assets mentioned in the piece.


Alexandre Lores is a personal finance writer from Tampa Bay, Florida, with the goal to help one million people achieve financial freedom. He has spent over five years studying markets and economics, finding Bitcoin in 2017 and never turning back. He frequently appears on TV and in online news articles and is a regular Twitter spaces host.

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